Lil sis and her kids came over today. I learned something.
I am way too tired to be the mother of a crawler.
I recall (vaguely) saying something along the lines of "this is the least baby proof friendly house ever" and now that I sit down for the first time today I see just how right I was. There was nothing on the humongous slab of rock that makes the mantle over the fireplace when lil sis walked in. Now that she is gone I spotted one choking hazard lego car, one splintery dirt covered fetching stick, one less than sanitary partially canine gnawed cow femur/dog treat, 2 sets of ipod earphones, the very chewy cord to download photos from my point and shoot (if only I didn't lose the charger), a nice page tearable book (who needs kindling when you had Harry Potter?) , and some other stuff that I can not identify from my cozy position on the over stuffed couch.
So, when it was time to go lil sis says to my niece, "We have to go in a minute" and my niece lets out a primal (I am overtired) wail of pain. I think "Oh, no this could get ugly!" but no sooner does the thought cross my mind, when my niece perks up and asks in the sweetest 5 year old "I want candy" tone "Can we watch the news when we get home" and lil sis says "Sure" and my niece happily skips out the door and hops right into her car seat.
uh...... WTF?!?!?
I'm thinking that "watch the news" is lil sis's secret code for "swing by the fast food joint and get a milk shake and the kid toy of the week" but I can't swear to it. I'll need some hard evidence.
BWAAHAHAHAHA. Maybe the 5 year old is a fan of depressing carnage? Could happen.
Posted by: Laura | August 05, 2008 at 07:24 AM