I fought back the tears the whole 2+ hour drive to Matt's camp this morning. This past week I felt like a caged tiger just pacing the cage waiting for an opportunity to burst out an unattended door. I wanted my kids back. Waiting was rough. When I slid into the truck this morning I had the feelng that once I got my babies back I would be me again (still not exactly feeling like myself) I felt like I was about to get a crucial part of myself, of who I am back.
The missing part of me might not have taken shower since he last saw the rest of me two weeks ago at visiting day.
I fought back the tears all the way home because to be honest the part of me that came home from camp was downright pungent. My missing piece also managed to neglect his hair again, and somewhere he decided that he might as well not shave for the entire camp experience. Yummy! And to think, just 24 hours ago I wondered if my piece would let me hug him as much as I wanted to! Hahahaha, the joke is on the part of me that showers!
My missing piece hasn't stopped crying since he left camp either. Since me, the unmissing, took a thorough shower this morning before departure I knew it had to be for a different reason. I assumed it was because camp was so incredibly excellent that my missing piece was sorry to see it end. He said that was correct. Except my missing piece couldn't shake the tears, didn't want to eat (okay, he does have a little head cold) and couldn't muster the enthusiasm to think of anything he wanted to do. Hmmmm
After my missing piece showered I sat him down for another big dread lock comb out. During the comb out, when I had to give him a break so he could sob for a minute, I figured that this was more of a broken heart scenario than an "I love my camp!" break down so I asked him if he had a girlfriend at camp. He said he did. And he had this girlfriend the whole time, well except for the last week because his 17 year old (YES! 17!!) girlfriend got to go on this trip because she was not a camper but a CIT and she got caught shop lifting on a trip for CITs and then her parents took her home and wouldn't let her come back. So I asked him if aside from being a kleptomaniac if she was a nice person and he said she was. And also that she wrote to him from home.
So let's review: 15 year old Matt has a 17 year old girlfriend.
Sorry, I passed out on the key board there.
Okay, where were we, Matt's 17 year old girlfriend shop lifts.
Oy Vey.
But Matt she is a quality person.
Who shop lifts.
On a camp trip.
The good news is that Matt's 17 year old klepto girlfriend lives 2 hours away.
The bad news could be that she might have a drivers license.
I am so not ready for this.
But here is a confession; When I was 16 my parents sent me on a teen tour. I hated it. The one thing that got you immediately kicked off the tour was shop lifting (and having sex but the 7 little boys on that tour with me (the virgin) were not an option). So I shop lifted my way across the United States in hopes of getting sent home. I never got caught even I slipped something into my pocket while talking to the sales lady. I must be a more talented thief than Matt's girlfriend. Hopefully she'll outgrow it too.
Summer lovin'..happened so fast...
Btw I had my first cigarette at church camp.
Posted by: danelle | July 18, 2008 at 07:01 PM
Ahhh sleep away camp, the memories... My parents used to let me go for the WHOLE SUMMER. I LOVED it.
Okay I don't mean to offend but, a girl DATED him with that hair??? Was he playing a musical instrument at this camp? The only way I would go for that hair is if he plays an instrument. A band groupie, was she? Otherwise I'd need him to cut his hair. After a haircut he'd be perfectly acceptable just the way he is (minus the hair).
Posted by: Laura | July 18, 2008 at 07:55 PM
Guitar, bass and piano.
He was in a rock band.
She was in theater.
Before they kicked her out.
Posted by: clickmom | July 18, 2008 at 09:38 PM