I am running home tomorrow to visit grandma, who was moved back to the nursing home today. While I am infinitely thankful that grandma did not have a bone infection, I am holding back any kind of relief because she does have MRSA. When I got off the phone with the doctor and I was shaking with the shock of the news my first instinct was to call my mom. I wish I didn't think like that anymore.
I am overwhelmed with guilt that I brought Evan into the ER with me when grandma was first admitted, though I do take solace in the fact that he and I were both so utterly creeped out by being in an ER (OMG I forgot to tell you about the hooker looking woman who came in for abdominal distress and had a screaming match with the nurse when the nurse told her she couldn't strut around the hallway with her privates hanging out in front of my kid! Sorry about that) that we stopped at every single hand sanitizer dispenser and practically sanitized right up to our respective arm pits. I did call Evan's camp and ask the nurse to check him out. Since she did not call back, I assume that she found him to be MRSA free.
Obviously I won't bring the kids into see grandma and to be honest with you, I actually feel a little faint just going in there myself. I am already a teeny tiny bit germ phobic and do admit to a small cuticle cracking hand washing problem, and I can't figure out how I am going to feel clean after being back at the nursing home. I wouldn't mind a Silkwood kind of scrub down afterwards, but I don't know where to get one.
I am going to leave Josh up here in Utopia with a friend. And that means that tomorrow night not only will I be away from my three kids, but each kid will be at least two hours from me in three different directions. There better not be any kind of natural or unnatural disaster tomorrow, that's all I am thinking.
Grandma has to go back to the nursing home in isolation, which means that she can not share a room with anyone else. Something happened to grandma's roommate while grandma was in the hospital and I wonder if it was MRSA related. The social worker at the nursing home was (suspiciously) understandably tight lipped about dear Lucy's sudden departure. But the good news is that grandma gets to return to the same room and not have to listen to Lucy worrying about just about everything under the sun. Not that grandma even knew Lucy was there.
Wish me luck and let's hope Sylvia (my truck) holds up under all the pressure while I put 5 thousand miles on her in the next two months.
Give grandma an air kiss for me.
Posted by: danelle | July 02, 2008 at 01:03 AM