I was going to name this post "it's curtains for Louise" but I thought that maybe that was too confident. Here is the deal. Back when I dragged myself to the chiro after the fever broke over a week ago he said I was testing positive for bacteria that responded to goldenseal. Now, I believe in the magical wonder of the herbs as much as the next lefty flake out there but aI cannot for the life of me figure out how people realized they worked in the first place because if I was the primitive person who came across a field of goldenseal and tasted it I would have totally blown the "keep looking" horn or made the "this stuff sucks" grunt and sent my clan on to keep looking because YECH!
But I did take the goldenseal in capsule form. People, even the capsule stink. But I my tumy hasn't been right since getting sick either, and after the sushi puking incident, which also involved a handful of supplements, I haven't had the stomach to take any supplements.
But then Louise was killing me, and I thought let me try to gargle with the nastiness that is goldenseal and see what happens. And I gargled once, nothing happened, gargled later and took a couple of goldenseal pills, louise went down a little, so I repeated that one more time last night and this morning Louise is suspiciously quiet. She's still there all right, but she has trimmed down a bit and she doesn't hurt.
I hope I am not jinxing myself here, but I think Louise and I might be parting ways soon, but not soon enough for me.