I was talking to a utopian friend and mentioned to her that my kids have been taking a saturday pilates class for kids. "Hmmmpfff" she reacted "Ahh, how's that going?" with just a hint of sarcasm. "Well" I said "Josh skips in every week thrilled to be there, Evan just wants to be stronger than everyone else, and Matt can not believe we expect him to spend an hour in the same small room as both his brothers." "Yup!" she declared "You just described your kids perfectly."
Tonight Evan said "I have this same dream all the time. I keep having it again and again." "That's normal." I tell him "What are you dreaming about?" "Well, there are these black dots on the floor and I can jump into them and they take me to other places." "Uh, Evan..." I say/giggle "I know where that -giggle- dream comes from." "Where?" Evan wants to know. All three kids look at me. "Blues Clues! You are having Blues Clues dreams!" Matt can not hold in the laughter "Bwah ha ha ha!!!" but Evan, in an attempt to save his reputation, manages to yell over our mutual giggle fit "NO! I am killing people! There are weapons! There are battles! It's not Blues Clues!"
I'm in the car today and a song comes on the radio and I don't think I know it but my mouth starts singing the words and then it is just kind of barely vaguely familiar but somehow like magic I know all the words and the tune and am singing in perfect harmony with the music. I get to a red light and look at the radio to see that the song I am singing is no other than the (less than) world renowned Almost Over You by Sheena Easton. If this is a clue to the crap that might remain in my head for my golden years I should be a real pip at OFH karaoke one day.
I realized I can play Matt's electric guitar without my arm and neck going numb on me. So I thought maybe I would buy one for myself, since he has been patient with me slipping away with his guitar to practice so far, but why push it, right? I called up a big music store to see what kind of guitar they recommended for an acoustic player who was being forced to go electric for the smaller size due to a long (very impressive) list of injuries. The guy in the phone was being very flirty with me and I recognized that sales technique from my days as a phone survey taker. And I found myself flirting right back. When he asked me what kind of songs I like to play I could not remember that I have been mastering House of the Rising Sun or Hey Jude, oh noooo.... instead I mumbled something about songs I liked as a kid and Puff The Magic Dragon. Then he recommended a brand called Daisy Chicks that comes in pink and other neon colors. great.
I was on my iphone headphones that you can't see through my hair in Whole Foods today and I stood in front of the sprouts section and said to lil sis through the phone “Why am I suddenly craving sprouts all the time?” and the very nice (read HOT/SEXY) older gentleman next to me said “I don’t know, but they ARE supposed to be good for you”
Blue skidoo you can too!
Posted by: danelle | March 25, 2008 at 11:51 PM
ROFL. Ok, did you leave that last bit in a comment on my site? Because I totally DID NOT understand it until I read the part about you having earbuds in your ears. NOW it's funny! This morning, it was a joke I didn't get the punchline to.
Posted by: Candy | March 26, 2008 at 04:43 PM
So older men are sexy now?
Posted by: losing true | March 26, 2008 at 08:53 PM
If I was that guys age I would totally go for him. I stand firm in my convictions that a person is better off staying in the general vicinity of her/his age.
Posted by: clickmom | March 26, 2008 at 08:58 PM