So, feeling rather tapped out by both life (my personal one these days, not life in general) and also NaBloPostEverySingleDayBecauseYouSaidYouWould- AndNowYouHAVETO I sat in my vehicle at almost 3 o'clock this afternoon, waiting for Josh to get out of school wondering if I'd be able to summon the funny for tonight's post when lil sis called to save me with this anecdote.
This week, here in Stepford was conference week, (and you'll be happy to know my kids are still perfect and absolutely beloved by their respective teachers) so when lil sis said she had a conference with 8 year old nephew's teacher I wasn't surprised. . Lil sis said she and her husband were at my 8 year old nephew's private school (for boys who are incredibly smart just their aunts) for a conference with his teacher as well. Except it wasn't the kind that is all prescheduled and follows a report card. It was the kind where the teacher calls you on the phone at home and says in a very serious tone "There is something we need to discuss"
And I got so excited because OMG lil sis was a holy terror as a kid and if her kid has even a fraction of her ... spunk... then this is going to be such a fun ride! You know, for me! I'll just sit back and observe from 120 miles away. Someone get the popcorn!
So, lil sis starts telling the story, and I am all giddy and imagining lil sis holding the new baby nephew on her lap and her husband sitting in the little third grade chairs, wearing their nice teacher meeting clothes, with their knees up near their shoulders and sweating it out while the pinched faced bespectacled teacher (I have no idea what the teacher actually looks like) rifles through some papers setting her authoritative tone for this impromptu conference. And then the actual (as opposed to my imagined) teacher tells them that there was an incident involving my nephew (their son, what ever) and a computer.
And my imagination is speeding a thousand miles an hour, I think of the kid who while doing her animal report google imaged BEAVER, I'm thinking about wildmom's kids who should be hired right now by the government today (if the government has a brain) because those kids can and have done remarkable things on the computer (that we know about) and their school is not always thrilled about that (understatement), and I am thinking about lil sis's own personal brand of special and how she related to her teachers (In second grade lil sis's teacher wrote EXCELLENT across the top of lil sis's assignment and lil sis says to the teacher, "How dare you write on my paper! This is my paper and if you have something to say to me you can say it to my face.") and the possibilities of what my sweet charming nephew, son of lil sis, could have done between the potential genetic bad ass attitude he may have inherited from lil sis and the involvement of high tech 21st century equipment are literally getting me high.
Then the teacher, according to lil sis, explains to lil sis and her husband that the students were told to do some school related research on the computer and that they have been instructed to do their school research on (or something like that) and my nephew, jokester that he is, decided to entertain his pals and check out instead.
I couldn't contain my laughter.
Then lil sis reports that the teacher informs her that all the schools computers have had to have blocked from them.
So I'm guessing the teachers won't be internet dating from the faculty lounge any more.
LOL. That was funny. Thanks!
Posted by: Laura | November 18, 2007 at 11:14 AM