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November 17, 2007


Hi! Remember me?

I found the same issues with the radomiser this year. It's a pretty big let down. Instead I went back and read my posts from NaBloPoMo 06 and through some of the comments, was able to head to the blogs that I had found back then. Yours included!

I have no excuse for disappearing over the last 11 months. I swear you didn't offend me. I'd probably remember that.

Anyway, I'm back! Perhaps some of the links on my sidebar will help you find some source of satisfaction with a side of funny. You know, just in case my fabulous daily post happens to be, "I got nothing." _wink_

If I got nothin, I don't post nothin. That's why I'm not doing NaBloMePoMe this year.

I was a randomizer obsessed fool last year and came across a few gems but this year I quit after a day or two. I just like my regular's...specially yooouuuu.

Randomizer this year, not so much. But I think its probably because there's like six thousand people participating this year, last year there was only a few hundred maybe? I have not gotten a traffic boost like I did last year, and I've only seen the randomizer hit my stats, like, once. Although, I think alot of folks are doing what you did last year because I have gotten several hits from the pink elephants randomizer.
Oh well. maybe next year they will figure out how to be able to randomize your way through the groups you sign up for.

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