Last November, the first time (and I know one can have their first time once) I did NaBloPoMo I was completely hooked on the randomiser. I recall staying up late at night, clicking and clicking and laughing and bookmarking blogs that I liked and just feeling completely joyous about the whole thing. Oh yeah, also I totally grooved on the extra traffic the randomiser brought my way. (Stat whore, remember?)
This year, not so much. The randomiser has failed me, let me down, broken may heart. First of all if you haven't posted every day then I think you should remove yourself from the post fest. It's only fair. Also, "I got nuthin" does not qualify as a post. Also, why does my randomiser rotate through the same 20 or so blogs over and over (and over again)? Where are the other thousands of people? Did we do something wrong when we signed up? Tell me, I can handle it.
Every day I check my stats and no randomiser hits. Also, no change in stats. I was hoping to make some new friends on the randomiser, and now I just (a tear rolls silently down my cheek) feel so alone. sniff. Is anyone new out there?
As a matter of fact (having more spare time than I recognize) I managed to take notes during my last very completely dissatisfying randomizing session and now I have a list of reasons how the randomizer has failed me.
11. Manic Mommies every 6 clicks
10. People just signed up yesterday and joined NaBloPoMONTH 1/2 way through after not posting since Oct 16th.
9. signs off her posts TTFN
8. First line of post "I cannot believe that I'm 23 years old!"
7. Male blogger who doesn't think WIll Smith is sexy. Don't even go there.
6. Everyone but me is getting tagged for some meme.
5. Knitting
4. someone got NaBlo combined with NaNo and is writing part 38 of his novel.
3. I don't go to musical events in Hudson Valley
2. Aprons
and the number one reason why the Randomiser has failed me
1. No hablo espanol.
I want to know what a girl has to do around here to
randomise blogs that don't try to sell me something, convert me, preach frugality, dis Will Smith (or Matt Damon, Hello??), knit or sew (except sock zombies because they (and their maker) are funny) also, what I want (what I really really want) is blog that strikes a chord, maybe it gets me all choked up, maybe it tickles my funny bone. If you make me laugh out loud, even better.
Hi! Remember me?
I found the same issues with the radomiser this year. It's a pretty big let down. Instead I went back and read my posts from NaBloPoMo 06 and through some of the comments, was able to head to the blogs that I had found back then. Yours included!
I have no excuse for disappearing over the last 11 months. I swear you didn't offend me. I'd probably remember that.
Anyway, I'm back! Perhaps some of the links on my sidebar will help you find some source of satisfaction with a side of funny. You know, just in case my fabulous daily post happens to be, "I got nothing." _wink_
Posted by: Pocklock | November 18, 2007 at 11:28 AM
If I got nothin, I don't post nothin. That's why I'm not doing NaBloMePoMe this year.
I was a randomizer obsessed fool last year and came across a few gems but this year I quit after a day or two. I just like my regular's...specially yooouuuu.
Posted by: danelle | November 18, 2007 at 06:43 PM
Randomizer this year, not so much. But I think its probably because there's like six thousand people participating this year, last year there was only a few hundred maybe? I have not gotten a traffic boost like I did last year, and I've only seen the randomizer hit my stats, like, once. Although, I think alot of folks are doing what you did last year because I have gotten several hits from the pink elephants randomizer.
Oh well. maybe next year they will figure out how to be able to randomize your way through the groups you sign up for.
Posted by: jenny | November 18, 2007 at 06:54 PM