Evan: (thinking in a sing song kind of way) Pretty pretty I can be so pretty
Josh: WTF?!?
In yet another, cool guys aren't afraid to wear heels (and now I know lil sis's true shoe size!) moment, Evan decided that despite the not one but two different costumes he talked me into spending lots of cold hard cash for this fall, he wanted to go as a girl for halloween. Boops donated her old nursing dress, we had the wig from my own personal stint as Buttercup one year and lil sis donated the 3 inch heels. How clever is my frighteningly gorgeous (as a girl) 10 year old son? The real girls couldn't resist him all day. They spent their Halloween day coming up with girl names that fit Evan and also giving him hair and makeup tips. My personal tip would have been: no sweat socks with lil sis's 3 inch mules, but whatever... Very slick there son, very slick.
The above photo was taken on the way out the door in the morning. By the time Evan (Evelyn, Evana, Evanka) participated in his school's halloween parade at 2 o'clock he looked like a lady of the evening after a particularly gruelling shift. His wig was crooked and mussed, his eye makeup smeared and he was limping (all the while sashaying down the driveway) after not ever changing into the sneakers his mother made him bring to school for day time use.
Which didn't matter much anyway because Evanika passed out on the couch upon returning home from school to awake two hours later with 103.5 fever. Sadly, he was then quaranteened to the bedroom and did not participate in last night's national sugar binge. This year might go down as a Suckoween in Evana's book.
Josh didn't wear his Harry Potter outfit (including the over priced brand new robe, over priced glasses, over priced plastic wand, over priced broomstick, and something else, oh yeah, the ugly over priced diagonal striped tie) but instead opted for a more royal type day of glutonous paganism. It worked out well in the end because there were many Harry Potter's walking around Josh's school but there were no other kings, unless you counted one King Tut. Let's not count him, Okay?
Matt didn't wear the huge afro, sunglasses and bling he got at the costume store in September either. Instead, he went as Sanjaya. He had a pony-hawk.
The girls didn't respond to him the same way. It was anti-climactic. Next year I am going to get him a cheerleading outfit. (Just kidding!)
Since I was upstairs (my useless presence was absolutely required) tending to (breathing the same air as) poor sick (hopefully not contagious) Evan I asked the husband to turn off all 43 of the voice and motion activated halloween devices which decorate our front porch each year. Not knowing where the (oh so tricky they are pratically child proof) off buttons are located (Uh, on the back maybe?) he instead brought each device inside, which was fine through the night while the devil dog was in her crate, but once I let her loose this morning there was some kind of ghoulish commotion coming from the living room and the box of voice and motion activated devices. I had a grandma's rehab roommate flashback. shivers. Then I turned all of power switched to"OFF" and joined Evan for his (and my desperately needed) day of couch vegetating. He is still sick, but I feel much better.
omg when I saw the opening pic I thought "who is that girl with josh?" Seriously, Evan makes a gorgeous girl.
I'm boycotting any comments about Matt until he gets his hair cut. I'm a mom in protest. lol
Posted by: danelle | November 02, 2007 at 02:57 AM