Normally we would be making our obligatory once yearly visit to my parents in Florida during this vacation. Since we wanted to come here and not there, the husband invited my parents to come for the second half of this vacation. And they're here.
Before we left for this trip we made our usual pilgrimage to Staples for drawing supplies. At Staples Matt requested a small note pad that he could carry around with him and take down interesting Bahamian people's names. He was looking for name inspiration for future characters in his writing, movie making and drawing.
At breakfast with my parents yesterday Matt whipped out his little pad and began writing. It was soon clear to me that he was not taking down names, but writing something much longer. I leaned in to my mom and whispered "Look how serious Matt is". Just then serious Matt looked up from his pad and said "I need a word that word that rhymes with RUT." My 87 year old Dad quickly turned to face my 14 year old son and responded "I have one! SLUT. That's S-L-U-T"
All I can say is that I thought they were going to have to use the paddles on the husband. Clear!
bwaaahahahahahahahahahaha. oh my god i just almost spit my dinner all of my monitor. that's hillarious! how did that conversation end, i'd like to know? What was the response(besides the husband's need for paddles)?
Posted by: Laura | April 27, 2007 at 06:55 PM
Matt very politely said "Uh, I don't think I can use that one Pop-pop."
The rest of us had a good laugh, especially Evan who thrills at the use of that kind of taboo word.
Posted by: Matt | April 27, 2007 at 11:35 PM