I think that anyone taking any kind of test that involves a wait from either the lab or the doctor to read the results should receive a complimentary prescription for some kind of tranquilizer or even some anti-anxiety medicine that is good for the entire wait time, plus maybe another dose or three for a couple of days after hearing the results depending on what the results are.
I could chew my finger tips off wondering what did or didn't show up on the ultrasound yesterday. I can't stop wondering what inspired the tech to look below the area that was prescribed for me.
And you know I rolled those poo samples around, studying ever little flake and bubble in those tubes before I handed them over. What could possibly in my poo? Now, I really want to know, but really, do I want to know? If something shows up in there I can see myself having some serious food phobias, to go along with my already torturous varietal limitations, from now on. I don't need this.
How I know I am really sick: I ate part of a bag of m&m's last night. You heard me, PART of a bag, as in about 8 m&m's total. I am sick. Someone call an ambulance, this might be worse than we expect.
I hope you get the answer you need soon and that you are indeed healthy!
Posted by: Jamie | October 26, 2006 at 10:49 AM