For those of you interested in my personal battle of the bulge, the update is: down 44 pounds. I am feeling like I need to add some weight bearing exercise and also need to address my mid-section, my personal problem area. I was thinking of checking out Curves, but heard that all the profits from that chain go to pro-life groups. Does anyone out there know this? I have issues with supporting pro-life groups. I figured I would check out Curves, then meet with a trainer at the Y (which I hate but belong to anyways for the pool and it's geographic convenience) and see which left me with the better feeling. The good thing about the Y is that it has child care that Josh loves, so I can go even if he is not in preschool. I don't know if Curves does, I'll have to see. I have two friends that have had much success at Curves, but the moral question weighs on me.
I just love riding my bike, all except the numb girl parts, and am starting to obsess about what I am going to replace bike riding with in the winter when it is too cold or sloppy out to ride. The swimming I can keep right on doing, and also the walking, even if I have to walk on the dreadful treadmill. I think I'll get a portable fan for in front of it, they had one like that at the hotel in Florida and the breeze made that treadmill less awful.
My sick secret is that I wouldn't mind getting a horrible case of the stomache flu to drop a quick 10 more pounds. I am so excited and positive and wanting to celebrate my progress and most of all I want to be at my goal. Or at least reaching it faster. I am going to make a doctors appt this week because I think I have some kind of hormonal imbalance, (thinning hair, slow weight loss, brain fog) and am actually thinking that if I do, maybe to correct it would mean speeding up my metabolism. That would be nice.
I have to shop this week for two dress up outfits for three fancy occasions. (I can double one) I hate shopping, and am trying to find a friend to hold my hand through the process. I thought of buying some kind of control top something first, (for that problematic mid section) but am on the fence about how uncomfortable I am willing to be. I don't normally wear constricting clothes, so I guess I'll just have to try something on and see. If anyone has any advice in that area- I am open. Also, if you know which stores have dressing room mirrors that make you look thinner, I am there too. I can deal with the illusion.
I understand your convictions, but Im sure the Y is probably pro-life as well, it being a Christian organization and all.
There's so many companies that are reported to be supportive of this that and the other, I can't keep track. I suppose it's like trying to avoid cancer causing food and behavior - it's just too much trouble. lol
Posted by: danelle | November 27, 2005 at 06:57 PM
Thanks for visiting me! How did you find me anyway?
I struggle between size acceptance and wanting to be "cute". I *feel* fine and I'm healthy, but definitely not cute. I wouldn't mind losing 44 lbs. for that reason alone. How did you do it? I'm thinking two things: cut out the sugar and do some weight training. Now the trick is getting myself to actually do it.
Posted by: Linda | November 27, 2005 at 11:50 PM
Congrats on the weight loss! I have entered a 5K that will be in January. You have inspired me. Don't join Curves. I don't think anyone who is serious about working out goes there. Its like the lazy man's way to work out but I am not convinced it even works. The Y is the real place to go. Especially since you are not trying to secretly meet men, just really work out.
Posted by: Debbie | November 28, 2005 at 10:49 AM
if you're serious about weight-bearing training (and it certainly looks/sounds like you are!) i'd say stick with the Y and skip curves. they don't have anything there that you can't duplicate at the Y. and then there's always the reward of the pool after the hard part!
Posted by: chris | November 28, 2005 at 11:13 AM
I gotta second (third?) the No To Curves advice. It's pretty tame compared to your typical program as described here. Seriously sloooooow. They are targeting a heart rate slightly higher than sneezing four times in succession and slightly lower than walking up two flights of stairs. Seriously.
I was the BAD BAD girl the three months I was there because I refused to shoot for the "death warmed over" heart rate ideal and actually exercized!
It is great for those who are older or so out of shape that they should not start off too fast, otherwise it is snore city, in my opinion. Honestly, I'd be surprised if you liked it.
Posted by: mar | November 29, 2005 at 06:57 PM
I have three boys, too! So I'm totally feelin' your pain on the gas situation. This is my first visit to your blog, so I have no idea of your boys' ages, but...
In reference to the hair loss, is your youngest under 6 months? Because I always lost a TON of hair from about 2-6 months postpartum. If that's not the case, have you had your thyroid checked? Thyroid problems can cause some of the symptoms you describe.
As far as the midsection problem goes, I've got a great book recommendation for you: "Lose Your Mummy Tummy" by Julie Tupler. It's the only thing that's helped me get my three-C-sectioned middle back to decent shape.
Posted by: Angela | November 30, 2005 at 06:14 PM
Looks like the founder of Curves is pretty pro-life, but 10% of his profits donated to charities, including pregnancy crisis centres and health care places that do not provide abortions, is far from "all the profits", and pro-life groups seems to mean adoption-first places rather than let's-shoot-doctors people.
Posted by: Bookwyrm | January 26, 2006 at 07:45 PM