OK, so the "Meet the ROLLING STONES" party was last night. This is how boring my husband is. He got there at 9 when it started. He said that he himself was the most famous person in the room. At 10:45 Mick Jagger came in surrounded by security and seated himself in the corner of the room surrounded by security. No one got near him, at least no one got near him in the 15 minutes the husband was there for because he had already called a cab for 11, then promptly at 11 he left. Folks, he didn't even care.
He left without even seeing if he could get close to Mick, and god forbid have a photo taken, that I could hold over his head for every "You don't love me" argument we have from now until eternity. Jeez. The nerve. So, I figured I would doctor up a photo of some other office geek with Mick, but the husband didn't think any one brought a camera. He emailed one of his co-workers who replied that she thought one of her clients took some shots with a cell phone and got in trouble for doing so. What the hell kind of party was this? No cameras? Damn. I am getting no fun out of this.
Still mad he didn't ask me.