After this I am not going to write another word about hurricane Katrina. After my dreams last night and being awake for several hours in the middle of the night I woke up this morning in a horrible mood. I just hate it when I open my eyes and think, "Please, no one talk to me." I have decided that I will not watch the news, listen to news radio, or read too much of the paper even. I just can't take it. The story that disturbed me the most last night was Elizabeth Vargas making phone contact with a woman who was stranded with some family members. They had no food or water, they were on the roof trying to flag down help with a sheet and waiting to be rescued. None of the helicopters stopped for them. In the second phone call the womans tone of voice changed and I could hear that she was struggling with the realization that this was likely the end for them and that help was not going to come. I heard it in her voice, she was dying. They got disconnected. I don't know what happpened to that family- but if you know that they were rescued please tell me. It hurts my soul to think that people are being tortured this way. I can not make myself witness any more of it. I am done.